Friday 20 April 2012


What does FACT means?

When we talk about fact, it's can be defined in a several ways. Fact can be classified for something that actually exists or something that have happened. The truth of fact can be known by actual experience or observation in science context. In my perception on "fact" term, the information that we have should include with evidence to produce a valid information and make sure that a piece of information is true.

What does THEORY means?

Theory is a something that we belief even there is no proof. The idea of theory attempt to explain how and why something happen. In a simple words, we can conclude that theory is something that we don't know it exactly and we do more than a first attempt which is called a "hypothesis" to measured the data collected is the data well accepted or not. The hypothesis is often used as a fancy synonym to "guess". But in science context, theory is a conceptual framework that explains existing observations and predicts new one. Once the theory is done, we can identified whether the explanation or observation is a theory or fact. But, we can't separates the facts from theories because it is to present everything as truth.

always think positive ツ®

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